Dragon Ball Chaotic

Chapter X : Team Alpha

Goku (to Vulcan): "How many Androids do you think there'll be?"

Vulcan: "The fewer, the better. I suppose we'll have to face about 30 of them."

Goku: "So few?" Star, who had been flying alongside them, spoke.

Star: "If you can survive this battle, you'll be a hero, Son Goku-san. Remember that the goal is to destroy the Main Board, not just the Androids."

Beltor: "General, it seems they know that we're coming. I picked up two Androids coming this way."

Vulcan: "They must be scouts. We will have to destroy them quickly."

Beltor: "Sir, here they come!"

Vulcan: "Everyone, ready for battle!"

Android: "Sir, our Outposts are being destroyed. We are losing many warriors, what shall we do?"

Sleipnir: "We will fight them off. They are attacking the Outposts only to divert our attention from their true target. Do not send reinforcements to the Outposts and ready every Android we have. When this small team AND Vulcan are destroyed, we will win back the Outposts and the Rebels will be crushed."

Android: "Are these the Main Board's wishes?"

Sleipnir: "No, they are mine, but the Main Board and I think alike. Never question my orders again!"

Android: "No sir!"

?????????: "Well, it seems that the Androids are not that strong after all, Sleipnir. Outpost 1's forces have been destroyed in an instant by this Vegita."

Sleipnir: "You stay out of this, Clockwork. We will destroy them."

Clockwork: "How can you be so sure?"

Sleipnir: "Don't you feel any desire to win, Clockwork? Don't you believe in the Android Nation's superiority?"

Clockwork (smiling): "I believe in MY superiority, Sleipnir. I don't flee so easily when confronted with a stronger opponent." He was referring to the time when Sleipnir fled from Vegita after the latter had destroyed Pegasus.

Sleipnir: "I am here now. You would not have been."

Clockwork: "Really?"

Sleipnir: "Ready yourself for battle. They will come and we will annihilate them."

Clockwork (ironic): "Of course." He turned and walked away.

Sleipnir (to himself): "How did such an Android came to be...He is a shame to the Android Nation."

Clockwork: "Viking, report."

Viking: "Sir, have you made sure this line was secure?"

Clockwork: "Do you doubt me, Viking?"

Viking: "Good. I have some horrible news, sir."

Clockwork: "What?"

Viking: "Pioneer has been...destroyed, sir."

Clockwork: "What!!! My trusted advisor, destroyed? By whom?"

Viking: "Well, it's unknown, sir. A blast came from nowhere and blew his circuits. Someone must've lost track of his beam and it got Pioneer."

Clockwork: "It must've been a very powerful beam."

Viking: "Could've been one of us, but it could also have been one of the "New Guys"."

Clockwork: "How is Irony?"

Viking: "Devastated, sir."

Clockwork: "And you?"

Viking: "I feel like blowing up the whole world, sir."

Clockwork: "We'll get our revenge soon enough. Are the preparations complete?"

Viking: "They are, sir."

Clockwork: "Good. Come back to Head Quarters. I will start things up here before you arrive. Then, I will challenge their leader."

Clockwork: "...Vulcan..."

Viking: "Yes, sir. Understood, sir."

Clockwork (angry): "Pioneer, not you! Not now!"

Vulcan: "Let's go." Star (to Vulcan): "We've already lost Beltor!" She was fighting as best as she could.

Vulcan: "DA----RE!" A huge beam of flames emerged from the palm of his hand, burning through an Android's side.

Vulcan: "We must hold on! At least until Vegita arrives!"

F.Trunks: "BURNING ATTACK!" "My father", he thought, "I never thought I could hear anything like that about him."

Sleipnir: "Clockwork. What are you doing here?" Sleipnir had surprised the other Android in the control room.

Sleipnir: "You are supposed to be fighting our ennemies outside. Unless you had something else planned?"

Clockwork: "I am sorry, Sleipnir, but I cannot go and fight. I have much more important things to do."

Sleipnir: "Like tampering with the Main Board?"

Clockwork: "Would you have anything against it?"

Sleipnir: "The Main Board will shut you down for this treason."

Clockwork: "Ha ha ha...The Board has been trying for 78 seconds!"

Sleipnir: "How can this be!? You are its creation! This is not possible!"

Clockwork: "Poor Sleipnir...Completely unaware of what's going on... My plan has worked perfectly..."

Sleipnir: "What?"

Clockwork: "I have a mission to accomplish. Nothing will stand in my way."

Sleipnir: "You are wrong, I...will stand in your way." Clockwork attacked at blinding speed, breaking one of Sleipnir's legs with a kick and slashing his head off with his arm. Then he used an energy-charged punch to blow up the body, creating a formidable explosion. He emerged from the smoke and went to pick up Sleipnir's head.

Sleipnir: "You're nothing but a traitor!"

Clockwork: "You talk too much." He charged another punch and destroyed the head.

Clockwork: "Nothing will stand in my way, as I said." He walked back to the control panel and punched in different codes. Suddenly, all power in the building just faded out.

Clockwork(grinning): "No more Main Board. Phase 1 is complete. Let's go."

Goku: "What's happening?" The Androids had stopped fighting. They all fell to the ground, inanimate.

Vulcan (picking up an Android body): "Quite intriguing."

Star: "It seems as if they were all...disconnected...or something..."

Vulcan (to his team members): "Search the area around the base. If you discover anything related to this, tell me, but don't go inside as of yet. It could be a trap to lure us in."

Oob: "Son Goku-san! Look what I found!" At his feet was a fallen silver statue, partially covered by grass and weed. It was a beautifully crafted work representing someone familiar...none other than Oob himself.

Goku: "Oob! It looks just like you!"

Star: "Amazing...we have a similar statue back at Headquarters..."

F.Trunks: "General Vulcan, someone is coming."

Vulcan: "Yes, I can see them. But why couldn't we feel their ki?"

Star: "Yes, hasn't the Main Board been shut down?"

Vulcan: "You! You are Androids! Tell us what has happened!"

Titania: "Well, if you must know, our leader just pulled the plug on the Main Board. We have other plans than those of the Board and so we had to shut it down." She seemed fine, considering that her breast-plate had been destroyed and that her inner circuits were visible.

Vegita: "But we still can't pick up any ki signatures!"

Titania (smiling): "Yes, but that's not our problem. We have to destroy you now."

Vegita: "HA! Not while I'm here! You stand back everyone, I'll handle them myself."

Vulcan: "Vegita-san, all by yourself?"

Vegita: "Ha! Stand back. I'll show you, Kakarotto! Just watch."

?????????: "Wait!" A new individual emerged from the base. He had long brown hair, a determined look on his face and a flowing blue cape. A shining Gear-like symbol covered his breast-plate.

Titania: "Sir."

Vulcan (turning to the newcomer): "Who are you?"

?????????: "I am Clockwork, the new temporary leader of the Androids.

Profile: Age: Hair: Kin: Known accomplishments: Theme song:
Android relatives
Romantically involved with Titania
Has Gear-like symbol on his chest
Leader of the "Gear" Androids. Deactivated and sabotaged the Main Board.
Mezase Tenkaiichi

Clockwork: "The Main Board has designed me for the task of slaying you, Vulcan."

Vulcan: "Really?"

Clockwork: "But it deemed me too chaotic to complete. The fact is, the Main Board gave me conscience BEFORE I was completed, so I was able to keep my program in memory and from there, plan a very different future for the Android Nation."

Clockwork: "Therefore, while Titania will go and repair herself, I will challenge you, Vulcan, to a duel. Whoever wins, lives."

Vegita: "I will not allow this to continue! I can destroy you all, all by myself!" All turned to him.

Viking: "Bastard..."

Vegita: "NANI???"

Goku: "Vegita. This is a duel. YOU have always wanted to face me alone, one-on-one. Clockwork just challenged Vulcan in a duel of honor. You have to respect that!"

Vegita(gritting his teeth): "..."

Viking: "Son Goku speaks the truth. We, Argentine, Irony and I, Viking, swear to never interfere in this personal combat unless Vulcan decides to..."cheat"."

Irony and Argentine: "Right!" Though Irony still looked a little vague.

Argentine (whispering to Irony): "Stand firm, Irony."

Vulcan: "This...this is...not right. You are different."

Clockwork: "We are...superior."

Star: "Vulcan, I don't know if that's a good idea. He has a higher power than you do." Vulcan turned on his scouter.

Vulcan: "Indeed. I do not know if this is worth it."

Clockwork: "You are indecisive. You will lose."

Vulcan: "Really?"

Clockwork: "Alright...since we have other things to do, I suggest a different challenge."

Clockwork: "We will fight, one-on-one, until one of us is no longer able to continue. There will be no death."

Vulcan: "..."

Star: "Why risk it, Vulcan? You are the leader of our army...if you become injured..."

Vulcan: "I accept. I AM the leader of Freedom Army! I shall asume my rank as I should."

Clockwork: "Then so it is. We fight, then. One-on-one. No interference. No death. Only victory...or defeat."

Clockwork(taking off his cape): "I will be Number 1!"

Star (to her comlink): "Son Gohan-san. Come in." After a few seconds, he answered.

Gohan (comlink): "Star-san. What is it?"

Star: "Please, could you go toward sector 700? Some Androids seem to be headed that way. Don't try to intercept them, but try to follow them, and see what they're doing."

Gohan (comlink): "How is everything going?"

Star: "It would take a while to explain. Another Android called Clockwork betrayed the Main Board and sabotaged it, so now all Androids are pretty much...dead."

Gohan (comlink): "I see...so the link was severed..."

Star: "Yes, only now, Clockwork and his gang are still functioning and Clockwork just challenged the General to a duel, but his "comrades" left. Please follow them!"

Gohan (comlink): "We'll do it."

Star: "Good. Star out." She then returned to the front row to watch the fight. At that point, Vulcan had deployed his energy orbs and was fighting like there was no tomorrow. The orbs around him acted as extra arms and fists, able to block and strike, but Clockwork was an able warrior, dodging and blocking with ease.

Clockwork (pausing): "Well, it seems I have the advantage. You are getting tired."

Vulcan: "Never count me out."

Vulcan: "DA-----RE!" A burst of flames rushed from his right palm, blazing toward Clockwork, but the Android dodged at the last moment, burning his left arm.

Clockwork: "I see." He showed no sign of weakness, fear or anger whatsoever. Vulcan stood proudly, floating a few feet above the ground, his energy orbs spinning around him like they had a mind of their own.

Clockwork: "Let's get serious. You've never seen speed until you've fought me." He dashed at Vulcan so incredibly fast that Vulcan barely had the time to dodge to the right, giving his opponent a split second of surprise, allowing him to prepare his defense. Clockwork punched and kicked at never-before-seen speed, Vulcan blocking as best he could, his orbs giving him in extra limbs, what he lacked in speed.

Clockwork: "I must admit your four "options" give you some kind of a chance against me..."

Clockwork: "...but I can see you are preparing something. Come on! Show me what you can do, or else you will lose!"

Vulcan: "If you insist..." He stood back, floating 20 feet above ground and charged up his entire body with energy.

Clockwork (smiling): "Yes..." He was obviously delighted to see such ability and power in his adversary.

Vulcan: "VULCAN FOUR FIRE ATTACK!!!!!!" Clockwork: "Well..." Saying this, the "holes" in his body began to refill, mechanical cables and devices working to repair the damage.

Clockwork: "...it seems..."

Clockwork: "...that you have used your best move." His body had now completely regenerated.

Vulcan (emotionless): "Kuso..."

Clockwork: "But..."

Clockwork: "...it is clearly not enough..."

Clockwork: "...and since I have to go, I think we can end this challenge as a draw. Titania!" He and Titania blasted toward the East, the same direction the other Androids had taken. Vegita, ready for such an escape, quickly went after him, followed by all other Freedom Army warriors and Z senshi.

Neo18 (whispering): "What are they doing?"

Neo17 (whispering): "They're building something."

Neo18 (whispering): "Oh you're a lot of help."

Gohan (whispering): "Quiet! Yes, they're building something, we don't know what, and it can't be good."

Piccolo (whispering): "I can hear them."

Gohan (whispering): "What are they saying?"

Piccolo (whispering): "The equipment is not functionning correctly. One says that something is wrong."

Piccolo (whispering): "One wishes that..."Pioneer"...could have been there to control..."the flow"..."

Neo17 (whispering): "What does it mean?" Piccolo shook his head.

Gohan (whispering): "Look!" The Z senshi and Freedom Army then arrived, ready for battle.

Piccolo: "Let's try to get them by the other side."

Gohan: "Right." The commando quickly moved around the valley, and finally came out behind the Androids, thus surrounding them.

Vulcan: "It seems you are now trapped."

Goku: "Gohan!...and Kamiccolo-sama!"

Gohan: "Tousan!"

Piccolo: "It's "Piccolo"..."

Clockwork: "Well...you all think you've won now and that there's no way for us to escape? You're probably right..."

Clockwork: "...You must be thinking that, because of how many you are, we have no chance to win in a fight. You may be right..."

Clockwork: "...But what you don't know is that we have succeeded!"

Gohan: "In doing what?"

Clockwork: "In bringing to life the greatest leader the Androids could ever have..."

Star: "What?" Viking pulled a lever on the main console behind Clockwork. Massive energy build-ups illuminated the area.

Clockwork: "Behold! The perfect Android leader is now with us! WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS!!!!"

Clockwork: "RISE AGAIN..."

Clockwork: "...PERFECT CELL!!!"

Clockwork: "The Perfect body...

Clockwork: "...joined with a superior mind!"

Clockwork: "A NEW Perfect Cell is born!"

Piccolo: "Oh no, not him again..."

Vegita (grinning): "Finally someone worth fighting!!!"

Vegita: "No..." Vegita: "...No..."

Goku: "Something's wrong here..."

Vegita: "...No!"

Gohan: "I have a very bad feeling..."

Vegita: "EVERYONE! GET OUTA HERE!!!!!" He turned tail, ready to flee.

Cell: "YOU FOOLS!"

Gohan: "We have to contain it!" He and all others, except for the Androids, joined their strengths to try and destroy the incoming Sphere of Death. All Androids were quickly consumed within the blast, while every Z senshi concentrated all their available power...

Goku: "He's too strong!"

Vegita: "CHIKISHOU!!!"

Vulcan: "All is lost..."


Able, April '99, Revised February 2000
