Dragon Ball Z: Dimensions

by Able

Chapter 1: Revival! Trunks returns!

It has been 13 years since the terrible Majin Boo has appeared. He wasn’t after world conquest or anything like that. It was far worse: he was out for FOOD! After splitting his body in two to separate the good and evil parts in him, the evil Boo was defeated by Goku’s enormous ChouGenkidama and the good Boo became Mr Satan’s friend. Then, 10 years later, Goku met Oob, a 10 year old boy with tremendous power, who was the reincarnation of Boo. Seeing that this boy had a pure heart, Goku decided to train Oob in the way of the warrior and goodness. Now, let us go to Satan City, where one of our favorite heroes gets back from work after a very hard day...

Gohan(opening the front door): "Honey, I’m home and I’m tired."

Videl: "Cheer up Gohan-chan, we have a guest. Haven’t you noticed the huge spaceship in the backyard?"

Gohan: "Spaceship, right".

Gohan, looking half conscious, slowly walked toward the window and pulled the curtains, seeing the enormous mass of metal in the backyard. It’s only then that his mind snapped.

Gohan: "Hey! What the..!? What’s that thing doing in my backyard??????"

Videl: "I just told you: WE HAVE A GUEST!!!!!!!"

Gohan: "WHO?"

???????: "It’s been a while, Gohan-san."

Gohan: "Trunks-san!? Is it really you?"

Gohan’s eyes weren’t fooling him. It really was Trunks, the one from the future, that is. He still had his loose grey pants, black tank-shirt, his trademark Capsule Corp. jeans jacket and his legendary lavender hair cut in the same way the actual Trunks does.

Trunks shook his head to try to blow away the wind of emotions that was sweeping through him. Seeing Son Gohan like this made him think about the Gohan from his time, the one who had died while fighting the Cyborgs. He looked just the same, tall, strong, a real hero. Trunks remembered how both of them had come to consider each other as brothers. Then, Trunks remembered seeing Gohan’s broken body and immediately stopped to repel this memory. He thought about the Gohan in front of him. He was not the same. He was the young Gohan he had met when he had come a few years back, only much older.

Gohan: "You didn’t come back just to say hi, did you?"

Trunks: "Actually, no. Let’s go talk outside."

Gohan and Trunks went out the front door and circled the house until they reached the backyard. Gohan studied Trunks. He looked like the other Trunks. In fact, they probably were the same age, but Future Trunks had somewhat of a more mature look, a more serious one. He had had a much tougher youth than the other Trunks, with the Cyborgs and all. But Gohan was most of all happy to see him. This Trunks was his friend while the other was mostly Goten’s. Anyway, the time had come to uncover the truth about Trunks’ coming "through" time again.

Gohan: "Trunks-san, I’ve been thinking. How the heck did you come back here? I mean, if you came back to a certain point in time to change history, and then went back to your future, this timeline isn’t part of your time. You couldn’t have come back here with your time machine."

Trunks was surprised by Gohan’s quickness of thinking. In his head, Gohan was still a kid left out of all the explanations too hard for him to understand. A kid who defeated Cell yes, but a kid nonetheless... Trunks quickly corrected his thoughts and thought that there were probably many more surprises in store for him in this timeline.

Trunks: "Well, you’re right. I could not have come here with an ordinary time machine. But this (pointing toward the spaceship) is no ordinary time machine. My mother made it so that I could come see you all. It’s a dimensional time machine. It allows me to travel between dimensions."

Seeing Gohan’s puzzled look, Trunks resumed.

Trunks: "OK. Suppose I wanted to throw a rock over the backyard fence (while saying this, Trunks bent down and picked up a rock). I could throw the rock over the fence and it could fall on the ground on the other side, never to be heard of again. Or, I could hurt someone badly with that damned rock. I could also miss and hit the fence. Or, I could forget about the whole project and drop that stupid rock (which he did). You see, all possible actions do happen, but in different dimensions. This machine allows me to travel between them at will, each of them having a different frequency, and it also allows me to travel through time as well. This was my first trip in the machine and I went 2 years into the future and into your dimension. And so I’m here."

Gohan had absorbed everything Trunks said and to his own surprise he had understood all of it.

Gohan: "That’s fine, but why did you come?"

The look in Trunks’ eyes got even more serious.

Trunks: "I came to ask for your help."

Gohan: "!?"

Trunks: "When I returned to my time after you brought me back to life, I had to face the Cyborgs over there. I did and I destroyed them easily. Then we started working to rebuild the cities. It was pretty fun, actually. Everyone was happy to finally be able to do something, to be able to walk outside without fear of being killed. After 2 years, the repairs were almost completed. Well, not really, but at least the cities were livable again. Everyone was in hope of a great future when suddenly he came."

Gohan: "Who?"

Trunks: "It was him again, Broli."

Gohan: "Broli?"

Gohan then remembered when Vegita, Trunks, Goku, Piccolo and him had fought that crazy guy.

Gohan: "Didn’t we kill him a few years ago?"

Trunks: "Yes, but this one’s not the same. He’s different. He’s even stronger than he was then, way stronger. And he’s more intelligent too, way more intelligent. He went on a rampage. He scared everyone by destroying buildings here and there. This was usualy enough to intimidate the population and they reluctantly agreed to serve him. I tried everything I had against him but nothing worked. He kept standing there laughing. Not in a crazy way, though. It was in a calm, cruel, confident way, pretty much like my father’s laugh. This Broli was sure of himself and he definitely wasn’t mad. Seeing that I couldn’t defeat him alone, I asked my mom to make me a dimensional time machine with the project she was working on about dimensions. It didn’t take too many adjustments and it was ready in a day. That big hunk of metal over there is the finished product and it works great. So I decided to come here, in the future of where I once came back in time, to seek help from my friends. Will you help me Gohan-san? Will you help me destroy this monster?"

Gohan didn’t think too long before answering.

Gohan: "You betcha!"

Trunks: "Arigatou, Gohan-san."

Gohan was thinking about Boo. Boo was the ultimate evil. Broli could not be that strong. Gohan was feeling confident.

Gohan: "He’s not as strong as Majin Boo, is he?"

Trunks(frowning): "Majin who?"

Gohan: "Right, you never met Majin Boo! 13 years ago, a terrible wizard appeared. His name was Babbidi and he used his power, and ours, to bring back an ancient demon called Majin Boo. This demon quickly got rid of his master and planned global destruction. But my father, who had come back to life, made a huge Genkidama to destroy his evil part. His good part became Mr Satan’s friend."

Trunks: "What!? Are you saying Goku-san is still alive? Where is he?"

Gohan: "I sure would like to know too. He came back to life 13 years ago. A god traded his life with him so that he could fight Boo. Then, 3 years ago, we met Boo’s reincarnation, Oob. He was a small boy who had a pure heart. Because he was so dangerous, my father decided to train him so that he would never become evil. After one year, he told us he was going to a desolate planet with Oob. He said he wanted to create life on this planet. He even said he could do it with his own power, with his own ki only. I couldn’t believe it. He said that he was doing this just for fun and, at the same time, this new living planet would be a perfect environment to train Oob. Creating life with his own ki? I still don’t believe it, but if it’s what my father wants, then so be it. We haven’t seen him since and no one can find his ki anywhere. Guess he’s too far away now... "

Trunks was just banging his head against the house’s metallic wall, making a few fist-wide holes in it.

Trunks(to himself): "This timeline sure is full of surprises... "

Trunks: "Is there anything else that’s new?"

Gohan: "Well, you met my wife Videl, she’s Mr Satan’s daughter you know, and we had a daughter together."

Trunks: "Yeah, that cute little girl’s named Pan, right?"

Gohan: "Right. But she doesn’t act much like a girl, really. But it doesn’t matter."

Gohan: "I have a brother too."

Trunks(shocked): "A brother!? You never had a brother in my timeline!"

Trunks thought: "Well, he did: me."

Gohan: "He was born after my father died against Cell. His name’s Goten and he’s really strong. Not as much as me, but still close."

Trunks: "Woah!... "

Gohan: "Yeah, well, its getting late. Tomorrow, we’ll go see our friends and your father. You can stay in the guest room for tonight."

Trunks: "Arigatou, Gohan-san."

And so the two friends went back inside to get a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow will be a big day for Trunks. How will Vegita react to having two sons? Will anyone else agree to join Trunks and Gohan on their quest to defeat Broli? Will Goku ever show up?

To be continued in Chapter 2: Showdown! Generations collide!

Mail Able
