Dragon Ball Chaotic

Chapter VI: Familiar Faces

Gohan: "What�s going on?" As Star had just knocked on his door, Gohan had opened only to find Goku, Goten and Oob already behind the young blonde.

Star: "Son Gohan-san! Please come!"

Goku: "Gohan! Vegita's outside!"

Gohan: "Vegita-san? What�s he doing here?"

Star: "No one knows, but he�s got a power of 2010 and Vulcan just won�t pass up this opportunity. We must convince him to join us."

Gohan: "Let�s go."

Vegita: "These were Androids?"

Caped Man: "Yes."

Vegita: "They�re far from a real challenge."

Caped Man: "Note that your strength is rather...uncanny." Vegita grinned at this.

Vegita: "Any who stands in my way will be destroyed. HA HA HA! WHAT POWER!!!" He then noticed a party of five coming in from a distance.

Vegita: "Who...?" The five newcommers landed in front of him. He recognized four of them.

Vegita: "Kakarotto! You? Here?"

Goku: "Vegita. How did you get here?"

Vegita: "I could ask the same of you."

Gohan: "We got here in a Time Machine. How did you?"

Vegita: "Another Time Machine? Anyway, I don�t know. I just woke up, and there I was."

Star: "Excuse me, Vegita-san, but I am here to ask you if you would join our army in order to destroy the evil Androids dominating this world."

Vegita: "Those walking tin cans? I blew one up in two seconds...but I can understand why you, Kakarotto, would need my help to defeat them."

Goku: "I didn�t see one yet."

Vegita: "That�s no excuse! Now you�re weaker than I, Kakarotto! I�ll destroy those stupid Androids and then I�ll teach you the lesson I�ve always dreamed of teaching you !"

Goku: "Nice to see you too, Vegita."

Star: "Does that mean you will join us?"

Vegita: "Of course."

Star(smiling): "I�m glad to see that. Follow me."

Star(to the caped man): "You may come as well." Vegita turned toward his caped companion who slowly nodded. The seven of them blasted off toward Freedom Army HQ.

Goku: "So Vegita, who is that?" Goku was referring to the blond-haired man wearing a black cape.

Vegita: "He is called Pioneer. I found him two days ago and he told me about his desire to find the rebels and join them."

Profile: Age: Hair: Kin: Known accomplishments: Theme song:
Unknown. Wished to join Freedom Army.
Cross a Fear from Dracula X: Rondo of Blood

Vegita: "I wanted to try my new strength, so I thought that whacking a few Androids would be nice."

Gohan: "What new strength?"

Vegita: "You haven�t found your alternate selves, eh? They�re probably here somewhere. You see, you can fuse your two selves together in this world."

Goten: "Our other selves?"

Vegita: "I don�t know how to explain it! It�s just that two different Vegita found each other out there three days ago. In their respective timelines, one was thinking of going to the Tenkai-ichibudokai while the other had just returned from another dimension after fighting Broli again. We met, fought each other and merged together to form me, the Ultimate Vegita!"

Gohan: "Wait. The one with the Tenkai-ichibudokai...He is probably the one from our timeline. It would explain why he didn�t show up to help us before we got into the Time Machine. Maybe he was just sucked into this timeline beforehand."

Vulcan: "Perhaps...but still, how could this be?"

Vegita: "I don�t know, I don�t care and all I want is to trash those worthless Androids and then trash you, Kakarotto!"

Goku: "Why do you want my head so much all of a sudden?"

Vegita: "Let�s just say the other Vegita had a "revived" Saiyajin spirit. You always were stronger than me, you always were ahead of me, Kakarotto, but no longer! Now I�m the strongest and I�ll prove it!"

Lilac: "So you destroyed Pegasus? Wow!"

Vegita(to her): "Who�s that?"

Lilac: "The Android you destroyed."

Vegita: "Oh, that wimp? Not worth talking about."

Gale: "Izee jus' tellin' the truth..."

Raven: "...or braggin�..."

Vegita (turning toward the two): "You beasties know nothing about war!"

Raven: "What!?" He was visibly becoming upset. Gale tried to calm him down.

Gale: "Er...Raven? Chill out..."

Vulcan: "Stop it this instant, Raven!"

Raven (turning toward Vulcan): "But Gen�ral!"

Vulcan: "You�ll have plenty of foes to unload your anger upon later. Right now, we should remember that an Android was destroyed close to our HQ. The others will return to take revenge. If they find us..."

Vulcan: "We must plan our moves carefully..."

Vulcan: "...and quickly. Star, Raven, Gale, Lilac. You will come with me to the briefing room. Dismissed."

Goten: "Nii-san. What are you thinking?" He took a sip out of his cup.

Gohan: "I am thinking about what Vegita said, of course. If what he said is true, then there probably is another me in this world, one who has lived a different life....There should also be another you..."

Goten: "Weird..."

Goten: "But maybe that would mean that, well, maybe Trunks-san and Piccolo-san are here too."

Gohan: "...and if so, their alternate selves as well."

Goten: "Like I said: Weird."

Gohan: "We must find them. It might give us an explanation of what�s happening here." He drank up his tea and went back to his quarters.

Gale: "Are we goin� ta talk �r not?!" With her crude words, she brought Vulcan back to reality.

Vulcan: "Right. The situation is critical. We cannot let the Androids get closer to our home base...and going out to repel them would only incite them to try and come closer. We---� He was interrupted by the comlink on the wall. He went and picked it up.

Vulcan: "What is it now?"

Voice: "This is Scout One, sir. We would like to inform you that four people are walking toward the south-east following Highway 76. One of them appears to be badly injured."

Vulcan: "They are not Androids?"

Voice: "They don�t appear to be, sir. We can�t confirm." Vulcan pondered his next reply carefully. He looked up at Star.

Star: "If one of them is injured, then they must be running away from the Androids."

Raven: "Unless it�s a trick!"

Vulcan: "Androids do not feel pain...it must then be difficult for them to fake it. Star, you will go check it out. Be careful, if they are Androids, try to lead away from the base." He returned toward the comlink.

Vulcan: "Scout One, Star will investigate."

Voice: "Understood."

Vulcan: "Over." As the communication was terminated, Star rose from her seat and flew out the door.

Star: "Stay here. I�ll go and get a visual." Star: "Son Goten-san, you should not have left head quarters." She recognized both the one who was hovering and the injured one as Trunks, son of Vegita and Bulma. The two looked identical. The one carriying the injured was unknown to her.

Goten: "What? Do you know me? Do you know where we are?"

Star: "What?" It then came to her: That one was the OTHER Goten and the two Trunks were doubtlessly the two versions of the same man. And so, she needed to convince them to follow her...

Star: "I am Executive Officer Star of Freedom Army. I can see your friend is injured. Please follow me and we will tend his wounds."

Goten: "How can we trust you? How do you know my name?"

Star: "I know you as Son Goten and Trunks." She did as if she had not recognized the unconscious one.

Star: "We need your help in destroying evil Androids. If you agree to help us, we will heal your friend." Goten turned toward Trunks. He shrugged.

Trunks: "Why not?" Goten then turned toward the other one.

Goten: "And you 17?"

Neo17: "We would be thankful, Miss."

Star: "Good, then follow me." She blasted back toward head quarters, closely trailed by the other four. "The heavens must be with us." she thought, "We now have powerful allies...now is the time to launch a pre-emptive strike."

Star (saluting): "Reporting, brother. The "invaders" seem to be the alternate version of Son Goten-san, the two versions of Trunks-san and a Cyborg from their time called Neo17." Upon seeing the unconscious Trunks, Vulcan went toward him and Neo17 laid him down on the floor.

Vulcan (to Neo17): "What happened to him ?"

Neo17: "He was attacked. I came in, took him with me and eluded his enemies." Vulcan took the wounded one�s pulse.

Vulcan: "He is still alive." He placed his palm on the patient�s chest. Energy started gathering around him as he concentrated. Suddenly he sent all of the energy into Trunks� body through his hand.

Vulcan: "WAN FU !" Slowly, Trunks opened his eyes and was helped up. He seemed to be perfectly healed.

Trunks: "What happened? Where am I?" Goku marveled at Vulcan�s gift.

Goku (whispering): "Gohan. Did you see that? Just like a Senzu!"

Gohan (whispering): "Facinating."

Vulcan: "You are at Freedom Army Headquarters."

Trunks: "Huh?" Future Trunks turned around, seeing some familiar faces: Goku, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Neo17, Goten...

F.Trunks: "WHAT!? TWO GOTEN???"

Neo17: "Trunks, are you alright?"

F.Trunks: "Yes, but...what�s going on???"

Profile: Age: Hair: Kin: Known accomplishments: Theme song:
Son Goten (alternate)
20, mentally 27
Son of Son Goku and Chichi
Romanticaly involved with Noodle
Same as Son Goten. Fought against Broli in Trunks� future. Won the "alternate"
*Makafushigi Adventure

Profile: Age: Hair: Kin: Known accomplishments: Theme song:
Trunks (Future)
21, mentally 28
Son of Vegita and Bulma
Romanticaly involved with Neo18
Came back in time to heal Son Goku from his "Yardrat disease" Fought the Cyborgs
and Cell. Destroyed the Cyborgs and Cell in his timeline. Returned back in time once
more, aboard a dimensional time machine to request the help of the Z senshi to defeat
Broli in his own time. Was seduced by Neo18 (who would�ve thought...).
Hikari no Will Power

Profile: Age: Hair: Kin: Known accomplishments: Theme song:
Parents Unknown
Brother of Neo18
Fought Broli in Trunks� future. Was reprogrammed by his sister.
Moeru Heart De: Red Ribbon Gun O Yattsukero ("Burning Heart: Beating Red Ribbon")

Vegita: "Vulcan! How did you heal him like that?"

Vulcan: "The Ancient Ways of the Book. I have studied them. Wan Fu is a powerful healing spell."

Vegita: "With this, I could become immortal!"

Vulcan: "Using it drains some of your energy. Therefore, it�s almost impossible to heal your own self."

Vegita: "It was too good to be true, as always."

Gohan: "General, I would like to consult this Book if you don�t mind."

Vulcan: "I do not mind. I shall lend it to you shortly." It was then that Vegita�s shouting interrupted them. He was looking at both Goten.

Vegita: "Don�t just stand there, you two! Merge!"

Goten(a): "Uh...how do we do it?"

Vegita: "Just touch your hands together!" The two Goten looked at each other.

Goten: "Do I really want to do that?"

Vegita: "Yes! It�s great! You feel both�s memories and your feelings fuse together! It�s a wonderful feeling of power!" He paused for a second.

Vegita: "No, don�t do it! You�ll become too powerful!"

Goten(a): "Yeah. THAT would be great!"

Trunks: "Go for it, Goten!"

Vegita: "I�m the strongest!" He tried to prevent contact, but was stopped by Goku.

Goku: "You�re just jealous."

Vegita: "Baka! Look what you�ve done!"

Goten: "Wow...it�s great! I feel so strong! And I have the memories of both!"

Gohan: "Are you okay, Goten?"

Goten: "You betcha, nii-san! Star! How strong am I?" The blonde pushed a button on her scouter.

Star: "Power: 1417. Potential: 1417. You�re...at the top."

Vegita: "What�s "potential"?" Star turned to Vegita.

Star: "Power: 2010. Potential: 2010." She turned back toward Goku. As expected, her scouter blew up.

Star: "Power: 207. Potential: Infinite." Vulcan smiled at this. "They hide their power." he thought, "It�s useless in this world."

Vegita: "WHAT!? Infinite? What does that mean?"

Star: "The potential is the physical limit of someone�s power. You and Son Goten-san have reached your limit."

Vegita: "WHAT! NO! Why does HE have to have INFINITE potential and not me!?" Lilac noticed a sudden trouble on Vulcan�s face, but did not speak of it.

Star: "You still are the strongest around."

Vegita(angered): "You bet I am..." Vulcan finally stepped forward.

Vulcan: "It is getting late. We shall continue this discussion and plot our strategy tomorrow morning. Six hours rest. Let us hope the Androids will not come tonight."

Vulcan: "Lilac. What can I do for you?" He was not even looking at her, still turned toward the statue.

Lilac: "I...I...I�m sorry, sir, but I noticed a strange expression on your face when we were talking about Son Goten-san and Vegita-san�s power. I...was wondering if something was wrong." He violently turned toward her.

Vulcan: "Why were you looking at my face? Is my face the center of the Universe?" Thinking back, he realized that his face actually could be. After all, he was the leader...

Lilac was taken by surprise by the General's words, but she reacted quickly and accordingly.

Lilac: "I just happened to look at your face at that moment, sir. I am sorry." Vulcan narrowed his eyes briefly.

Vulcan: "Still, you are right. There is a problem. When the two Son Goten merged, they reached their physical limit, their "Potential" as we call it."

Lilac: "Yes sir."

Vulcan: "The two Vegita also merged together, as he claims, and he reached his potential also."

Lilac: "Indeed, sir."

Vulcan: "What if..."

Vulcan: "What if we were to find the "other" Son Goku. What if they were to merge together...What would be a warrior with Infinite Power..." Lilac did not reply.

Vulcan: "Would he be controlable ? Would he simply explode and destroy the entire Universe? INFINITE POWER, DAMMIT !" Lilac did not believe her ears. She had never heard Vulcan swear...ever. "It�s really bothering him.", she thought.

Lilac: "I...I do not know, sir."

Vulcan: "Of course you don�t know. I do not know. Nobody knows. I do not think I would like to try to find out, either."

Lilac: "Perhaps we better not, then, sir."

Vulcan: "Perhaps you are right. We must be cautious. It is as if we had found six new powerful warriors today. Each stronger than most of our soldiers. What does tomorrow hold?"

Lilac: "Only the heavens know, sir."

Vulcan: "No, Lilac...The Book knows."

To be continued in chapter VII: Treacherous Lies

Able, October �98, Revised January 2000
